Be the glory to God,
Because thanks to Him,
I have all I need.
And all I could ever ask for
is already here,
Filling my heart
with endless happiness.
Still, some people close their eyes
Choose not to see it,
They wish more luck,
And ask for more blessings
to meet me in my life.
But I know my truth,
I know the Love which came
to give me peace
and so all I ask for
is to make them see.
Show them my Lord,
That you are here.
And if by any chance,
someone still prays for me
Then all I ask for, my God,
is to take these prayers.
Listen to them,
treasure them in your heart
and take care of every single one.
Keep them close,
To never forget
To never get them lost
And one day, when you´ll decide
it´s time to stand up and reply,
once You put them all in one,
wait a minute and add mine,
add it to that lot and send it all
to people who need them more.
And when you´ll be on the way,
bringing your answer to my world,
give many greetings to my soldier,
Myriads of good-night kisses to all my kids
Hug every living creature you meet
Give them all wisdom
and peace they all need.
Look at the orphans,
and parents with empty craddle,
take care of homeless
and men who struggle,
trying to live their lives alone
and fill the needs of my hoping world,
that´s all I ask for.
Cool background and header.
i like what you did to your blog .FROM RACHEL
thanks :) - it´s really easy to change and easy to make at so I like changing them often :)
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